Admissions Criteria at Albert Senior Day Center

  • (a) A potential applicant for admission to the Center must:
    1. Be age 60 or older at time of admission;
    2. Have a functional impairment and be in need of the services offered and the Center, as determined by the Center’s intake screening process;
    3. Be capable of being transported to and from the Center;
    4. Be in need of a structured program of activities or services.
  • (b) Persons who may not be admitted to or retained in the Center include persons who:
    1. Are bedfast;
    2. Have a communicable disease unless, to the extent that confidentiality laws permit, a physician certifies, in writing, that the person will not pose a serious threat to the health, safety or well-being of the clients or staff and provides specific instructions and precautions to be taken for the protection of the clients or staff at the Center. The physician’s written instructions and precautions shall be followed. This is intended to protect the health of the client and is not intended to discriminate against any individual;
    3. Have emotional or behavioral disorders which are destructive to self or others or disruptive in a group setting;
    4. Are habitually addicted to alcohol or drugs and, due to the addiction, are disruptive in a group setting;
    5. Do not need the activities and services provided in the Center, and who need referral to other more appropriate programs such as a senior center or nutrition site.
  • (c) In determining an applicant’s eligibility and suitability for the Center, the following persons would be ideal candidates:
    1. A senior who is at home alone during the day while their family members are out – a person who is lonely, sitting at home with no activities to stimulate/challenge mental and physical abilities
    2. A senior who feels isolated and depressed – nothing to look forward to, no sense of purpose or belonging